Heart failure is a condition with no known cure that can lead to hospitalization and other serious health problems. When you talk to a heart failure specialist you can be informed on the best treatment options so you can give your heart the attention it needs.
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You may be used to having some of these symptoms, but they may not be normal signs of daily life or aging. Seeing a heart failure specialist can help you understand your treatment options and may prevent your symptoms from getting worse.
Shortness of Breath
Decreased Energy
Swelling of Feet / Ankles / Legs
Faster Heart Rate
Frequent Coughing
Weight Gain
Asking questions is important during your visit. Download and print these questions to take with you on your next visit.
If you’re looking for more support, community, or useful resources, there are plenty of things you can do now. Sign up to learn more about this condition or chat with someone who has heart failure just like you.
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You are not alone. Talk with someone on a similar journey to learn how they live their life with heart failure.
Wondering how to explore more options for you or your loved one's heart failure? Talking with a heart failure specialist at a dedicated heart failure center is a great place to start.
Often part of larger hospitals or medical facilities, heart failure clinics host advanced programs that are specifically focused on treating people who have heart failure. They are staffed with specialists who have additional training and specialized knowledge of the latest technologies and treatments that your regular doctor may not have access to. The availability of these advanced options can make a positive impact on your quality of life.
At a heart failure clinic, there will be doctors and nurses who have advanced training in heart failure and have access to the latest technology. These specialists may sometimes have different titles (such as an Advanced Heart Failure Cardiologist), they can help you do more for your heart failure.
The first appointment will be longer (likely about an hour). During your visit, your medical history will be reviewed with you. Your treatment plan, developed specifically for you, will be discussed with you in detail by a heart failure specialist. The plan will focus on managing your heart failure and any symptoms as well as preventing future symptoms. It may include additional testing, adjustments to your medications and evaluation for advanced options.
In addition to speaking with your doctor, some heart failure clinics have support groups for people who have been diagnosed with heart failure and their friends/loved ones. You can also talk with someone who has heart failure like you, to talk about their experience with heart failure.
Clinics are listed in order of geographic proximity from the information entered in the locator. Abbott does not endorse any of the clinics on this locator, but merely provides them as a courtesy. Nor does Abbott represent that this is a full list of clinics in a particular location. Though Abbott attempts to regularly update the locator, the locator may not have the latest information regarding the clinic or provider, or availability of product.
The clinics are included in the locator because they satisfy one or both of the following: have ordered at least 3 CardioMEMS systems in total and at least one in the last year if an implanting center, or have requested inclusion and have managed at least 3 CardioMEMS patients in the last 12 months if a non-implanting center; and/or because they are certified as a HeartMate LVAD implanting center, have ordered at least one HeartMate LVAD in the last 12 months, and have all HeartMate device-related equipment required for patient management. The number of orders has been validated; the number of implants has not been validated.
This locator includes US clinics only. No clinics or healthcare professionals (HCPs) have paid or received a fee to be listed, but some HCPs within the clinics on this locator may purchase products from Abbott, provide consulting services to Abbott, and/or may have a financial relationship with Abbott. The locator is not meant to be an endorsement for any particular clinic, nor does it represent the qualifications of the HCPs at the clinic. Abbott cannot provide medical advice regarding whether it’s appropriate for you to be implanted.
For more information about this clinic locator please see our policy. Any information you provide is covered by our privacy policy.
These materials are not intended to replace your doctor's advice or information. For any questions or concerns you may have regarding the medical procedures, devices and/or your personal health, please discuss these with your physicians.
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